Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear Lord,
I am so overwhelmed when I stop and think about all the things you provide.  How easy it is to look past beautiful blessings.  Help us at the end of the day to acknowledge how great you are.  To smile as we replay moments of our day and know that you are steadily working all things together. You are so mightly and so able.  Let us never forget this.  Help us to stay focused on you and your provisions. In Jesus name, Amen

Father, Creator, and King,

This morning I come to you in awe of who you are.
No matter what I go thru, I rest in the knowledge that Im never alone.
I am safe in your arms.  Help me to be holy.  Help me to keep my eyes on you.
Show me how to comfort those who mourn.  Be with the Ferguson family as they
mourn the loss of one so young. Send you comforter, and draw them to you during this time.
You Lord be glorified thru this tragedy.  Bless my church family.  Continue to draw those
Who love you, and those who dont know you to Waco Family.
Help us to be the witnesses you need us to be.
God I love you and I trust you with everything and everyone in my life.  I surrender all
to you.
In Jesus name,
Equipment Depot Texas
P.O. Box 20187
Waco, Tx. 76702-0187
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669