Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wonderful Lord

Most Gracious and Wonderful Lord,

I come to you this morning thanking you for the many blessings you have given to me and my family Lord. Help us to not be selfish and to accept what you provide as what we need and not what we want. Forgive us (me) where we (I) fail you Lord, each and everyday I thank you for your grace and mercy that even though I sin against you, you forgive and forget. Help me to be more like you and extend grace and mercy to those that wrong or irritate me. Be with Greg as he is still looking for a job, help me to be understanding and to say what you would have me to say to encourage him to seek for employment. Thank you for the blessing of my grandchildren and the many wonderful things I am able to do with them. Thank you for my health so that I may be of service to you with my family and my church. Bless our pastor and his family, heal them as well as any other families that are suffering from illness at this time. I pray these things in the precious and Holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Debbie White


Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group

Management, dba K&S Properties

P.O. Box 20263, 1400 Speight Ave.

       Waco, TX  76702

Phone 254/757-0663  Fax 254/757-0668



Dear Lord, Thank you for so many blessings.  Too many to name.  You shower me daily.  Thank you for meeting all my needs.  I thank you that I call you Friend.
My specific prayer today is for Rick.  I don't know him.  I just know he is lost.  Lord, put someone in his path that can speak your message.  Help his wife to speak your name.  I pray for her to be strong and constant.  If it be your will God, draw him to you.  Press upon his heart a heaviness that only you can lift.  Show him the darkness of sin.  The evil of this world.  Bring it to his eyes.  Make it so clear as light is to darkness.  I don't know him but you do, Lord.  I ask this in Jesus precious name. Amen

Father God

I come this morning thanking you for the many blessings you’ve showered on me!

Realizing that I am a sinner and in desperate need of your Grace, I cling to you this morning.  Every time I desire to do good, the evil one is always present,  throwing roadblocks in my path, mocking me, but that’s ok because I know that I am Your Child, and every thing he does just draws me closer to You!!  I am so grateful this morning that you don’t leave me out here by myself!!  Thank you Lord.  Bless our Girl Talk this weekend and may you alone be Glorified!  Bless my church family, draw us closer to each other and closer to you.  I thank you so much for them. I ask a double portion of blessing on my Pastor and his family.  Bring healing to Mrs. Stacy, we miss her.  I love you Lord

In Jesus name











Equipment Depot Texas

P.O. Box 20187

Waco, Tx. 76702-0187

4100 Interstate 35South

T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072

F: (254)662-1669

