Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thank you

Thank you for your never ending mercies. Thank you for the family you have given me through WFBC. I am so richly blessed.

Dear Lord

I come this morning to worship you and give you praise.

You have been so good to me.I come thanking you for your provision for me.


I ask Lord that you watch over Crystal as she goes to court tomorrow, whatever the outcome,

and watch over Jay’tun and Robert as this effects them as well.

I lay this at your feet, for You know best and I trust you with everyone in

my life.  You be glorified thru this.

Save my children Lord.  Break their hearts, so that they may know the love of the savior!!

Bless my church family, keep them from the evil one. 

Watch over my Pastor and family as they travel next week.

Bless our garage sale and fellowship time this weekend.



Glory and honor, and praise be yours always










Equipment Depot Texas

P.O. Box 20187

Waco, Tx. 76702-0187

4100 Interstate 35South

T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072

F: (254)662-1669

