Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lord, thank you for being my comforter, friend, my God.  I want to lift up our church today.  Lord bring us workers.  Help us to be strong and mighty in our few numbers.  Give us a spirit of love and compassion.  Keep our eyes focused on you and you alone.  As we have read in your word this week, everything is meaningless and a chasing after the wind unless you are our center.  Lord the word meaningless keeps ringing in my ear as I see the people of this world moving around like ants.  Meaningless, meaningless.....I, as your child, have such hope and joy.  I see lost people all around me living such meaningless lives and they don't even know it.  Moving in and out of days and for what?  Thank you that I can see past the routine of my daily life to an eternal life with you.  I do sometimes feel that things I do are meaningless.  Forgive me Lord. Remind me that you give me the very breath that I have.  How can anything I do be meaningless when you are supplying all my needs.  I praise you for the work you are constantly doing in the life of my family and church.  Keep us in your care.  I ask all these things in Jesus name. Amen 
Dear Lord Jesus,
 I just want to say thankyou Lord for all the many blessings that you have given. The breath you gave me today, my husband and children, a place to live and my church family. These are just a few. But Lord the best blessing is your Son. For without that nothng else would matter. Nothing.
  Father I just want to lift the Keaton family to you. Lord thank you for healing little Kanon. I pray you would continue to work in his little life. Father that you would give wisdom to the doctors when it comes to dealing with his other health issues. The loss of hearing, heart murmor, and also the skull growth. May you give comfort and peace to Meagan and Mark as they walk through these days of not knowing. Please if it be your will work out there insurance issues.
Lord I pray you would be with Michael as he interviews for a job today. Lord I pray your will would be done in that situation. I thank you for him. He has been a wonderful blessing to our family. You have given him a heart for the gospel and I pray he would continue on that path you would have for him.
I pray all these things in the precious and mighty name of Jesus,

Good morning Lord

I come this morning to bring you praise and to worship you!  You have blessed me beyond measure! Father we live in a country that has turned its back on your truth. It has turned its back on you, but I will not turn back!!   Whatever they may say, whatever they may do I will hold to you, because I know whom I have Believed.  I Love you Lord.  I will not be consumed by the things of this world.  I will keep my eyes on you.  Come quickly Lord Jesus.  Let me be found faithful, let me be found doing your will when you come.  Bless our little church family, be with my Pastor and his family and grant them a double portion of blessings.  Thank you for our men, willing to lead your church. Thank you Jesus for making a way for me to come before a Holy God, clothed in your righteousness alone.


 In Jesus Name










Equipment Depot Texas

P.O. Box 20187

Waco, Tx. 76702-0187

4100 Interstate 35South

T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072

F: (254)662-1669

