Thursday, December 31, 2009
Dear Lord
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Father God,
Thursday, December 17, 2009

I just want to bless your holy name. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the many blessings you give to each of us each and every day, especially the ones that we take for granted such as a family, a place to live, a job and especially the church family that you have provided. Bless each and every person and their families that is represented by the membership of
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Father God,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
My Savior and My King
Prayer request
I need prayer because I am not in a good place right now. Plus I am not taking it too well that Tim is seeing someone else. I don't care to live or do anything. It takes all that I have just to get up in the morning and go thru the day. Luv yall and miss yall.
Jennifer Reyes
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of TX
Customer Advocate
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Abba Father,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My Prayer
Debbie White
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
P.O. Box 20263, 1400 Speight Ave.
Waco, TX 76702
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Dear Heavenly Father,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Our Father,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Good morning Lord

I come this morning to bring you praise and to worship you! You have blessed me beyond measure! Father we live in a country that has turned its back on your truth. It has turned its back on you, but I will not turn back!! Whatever they may say, whatever they may do I will hold to you, because I know whom I have Believed. I Love you Lord. I will not be consumed by the things of this world. I will keep my eyes on you. Come quickly Lord Jesus. Let me be found faithful, let me be found doing your will when you come. Bless our little church family, be with my Pastor and his family and grant them a double portion of blessings. Thank you for our men, willing to lead your church. Thank you Jesus for making a way for me to come before a Holy God, clothed in your righteousness alone.
In Jesus Name
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dear Lord

Most gracious heavenly Father, I praise your holy name. I ask your forgiveness where I have failed you, Lord. Give me the strength and courage to put one foot in front of the other and give my worries up to you Lord. I can’t handle things on my own, I give you my life, my husband and our finances Lord. Help me to leave them with you and not try to take them back. I ask that you surround your love and presence around Greg, give him the peace that he needs to keep from having the heart problems that have started again. If it is your will Lord, help him to accept the lesser position if one is offered to him at his present job, and if not help us to seek your will in which direction to turn. I ask that you be with the Gill family as they are traveling and especially with Todd as he is preaching sermons that he feels may not be very well accepted, give him the courage and the knowledge to speak your words. Be with WFBC as we continue in our journey together in making this your church. Help us each to do our part as is your will. I again as I do many times give you my worries and my doubts and seek your face, Lord. I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Dear Lord,

My Savior, and My King, I come this morning to bring you praise!! Lord so much of my life is a mess, but you are the one constant in my life!! You never change, and I’m so grateful for that! I need your guidance, for I lack discipline. I need your grace for my heart is so fickle. Here in the place and in this time I surrender to you all of me. Use me where you will.
Remember Kanon today, and continue his healing, Watch over my pastor and family as they go out of town this weekend. Hide them behind the cross. I ask you blessing upon my church family today, build up our congregation with those that love you, and hunger for you. You be glorified thru all we do. I thank you that I can come before your throne and you hear me. You are awesome!!
In Jesus name
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear Lord,
I come to you asking forgiveness for being too busy for you. The day has completely gone by without my taking the time to come to you except in my always and constant quick thank you’s. I get so wrapped up in my day to day busyness and know that that is only an excuse. Help me to seek you each and every day, before it starts and before it ends. I praise your name Jesus, and thank you for the blessings that you have given to me and my family, the financial blessing of me not seeing how we can make ends meet but you always providing a way. I ask that you be with Greg in his new job that he will not be so anxious and know that he does not have to be perfect all the time, help him to seek you will and way in his life Lord. I ask that you be with
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Dear God

You are awesome! I thank you so much for your many, many blessings. For guiding my steps when I can see where I’m going, for calming the storms in my life, even when I don’t feel you, I know from your word that you are still with me. Teach me to be holy like you are, Lord. Be forever near me. I love you, I praise you, I worship you .Bless my church family, bless our efforts to serve you at
In Jesus name
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Most Gracious Lord

I thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us. Lord forgive us (me) for all the many things we (I) take for granted in our (my) everyday life that only you could provide. Lord I asked that you help me to be the Christian example that you would have me to be at home, at work and wherever I go; help me to do and speak your love and kindness in all that I do. Help me to draw nearer to you and to seek your face constantly. Lord I thank you for my pastor and his family and my sisters at WFBC, I ask that you be with each family that is represented by these people and that you put your healing and comforting hand on each one of them. Lord we have been seeking your will in the growth of our church and amazed at what you are doing, but we should not be because it is your church and you alone know what you want for it. Be with the leaders of our church to help us know and continue in your direction. Bless each and every member of our church and their families as well as the visitors and their families that we have had in the past several months. Be with the finance committee as we put figures and paper and work to come up with a budget for the next year, help us to seek your guidance in what we are planning for WFBC. I thank you for the precious gift of Jesus and for your gracious mercy on me a poor sinner. I pray these things In Jesus Holy Name. Amen
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Father in Heaven

I come this morning thanking you for safe passage to work, for allowing me to see another beautiful day, and for your grace and your mercy. Lord I was reminded of your word this morning that tells us, In this world, we will have trouble, but be encouraged because You have overcome the world!! I am so grateful this morning for that reminder. Bless your people today with a hunger for you, and for your word, draw us every closer to you. Bring us to our knees, Lord! Forgive our sin, and heal our land. Forgive my sin Lord! Be glorified thru my life. I ask a special blessing upon my church family, those that have been missing from Waco Family, draw them back! Save my sons, bring them out of the darkness and into your marvelous light.
In Jesus name,
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669
Friday, October 2, 2009
Dear Lord

Dear Lord, just wanted to take a minute to stop and pray with my sisters. I thank you for each one of them and their families and the wonderful things you are doing in each of our lives. Forgive us (me) where we (I) fail you Lord. Help me to grow and seek you more. Help me to get in the habit of seeking you constantly in everything I do. Lord I know you have closed some doors in my life and I just ask you to give me the patience to wait for the next door you will open for us. Thank you for providing Greg with a job so that we can make our financial obligations. Lord lift him up in his work and in his health, be with both our sons as they go through their daily lives and I especially thank you for the precious gift of my two grandsons, they are a blessing; a ray of sunshine in our temptuous life. Be with our pastor and his family Lord, I lift them up to you. I pray all these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Debbie White
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dear God

I come to you today, thanking you for the day that’s past and gone, and for your many blessings you’ve showered on me. I come asking you Lord to help
Me not get to busy to give you praise, to spend time in your presence, and to thank you for your deliverance and your grace. I realized today why I’m still here. It’s to bring you glory, to be a witness for you, to what you’ve done for me, how you have brought me, and taught me through hard times and through the many joys of my life. There’s no greater joy than to realize why you’re here. Thank you for the opportunity to tell others about you. I love you Lord. Bless my church family. Be forever near me Lord.
In Jesus name
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My Lord and My God

I come to you this morning in awe of you!!! I thank you Lord for all you have done for me. For saving me, for leading me, and for not letting me get away with complacency and not allowing me to stay in the place I’m in. I want to thank you for my Pastor whom you sent to me to challenge me to learn more about you. I thank you for Michael, who also challenges me to read your word. You have been so good to me, and I just praise you today. Be glorified thru me. Continue to change me from the inside out.
In Jesus name,
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wonderful Lord

Most Gracious and Wonderful Lord,
I come to you this morning thanking you for the many blessings you have given to me and my family Lord. Help us to not be selfish and to accept what you provide as what we need and not what we want. Forgive us (me) where we (I) fail you Lord, each and everyday I thank you for your grace and mercy that even though I sin against you, you forgive and forget. Help me to be more like you and extend grace and mercy to those that wrong or irritate me. Be with Greg as he is still looking for a job, help me to be understanding and to say what you would have me to say to encourage him to seek for employment. Thank you for the blessing of my grandchildren and the many wonderful things I am able to do with them. Thank you for my health so that I may be of service to you with my family and my church. Bless our pastor and his family, heal them as well as any other families that are suffering from illness at this time. I pray these things in the precious and Holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group
Management, dba K&S Properties
Phone 254/757-0663 Fax 254/757-0668
Father God

I come this morning thanking you for the many blessings you’ve showered on me!
Realizing that I am a sinner and in desperate need of your Grace, I cling to you this morning. Every time I desire to do good, the evil one is always present, throwing roadblocks in my path, mocking me, but that’s ok because I know that I am Your Child, and every thing he does just draws me closer to You!! I am so grateful this morning that you don’t leave me out here by myself!! Thank you Lord. Bless our Girl Talk this weekend and may you alone be Glorified! Bless my church family, draw us closer to each other and closer to you. I thank you so much for them. I ask a double portion of blessing on my Pastor and his family. Bring healing to Mrs. Stacy, we miss her. I love you Lord
In Jesus name
Equipment Depot
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669