Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lord God

I come today to worship and give you praise!! I will not grumble and I will not complain about my life because I know that your work is true. You said in your work that, "No weapons formed against me shall prosper." And if I delight myself in your word, you shall give me the desires of my heart, and my desire is to live a life of holiness. I thank you Lord for all you do.
I thank you for Jesus. I thank you for my church family, for my home, my children, and my grandchild. I ask nothing of you today, I give myself over to you to do with as you please.

God be glorified

Equipment Depot Texas
P.O. Box 20187
Waco, Tx. 76702-0187
4100 Interstate 35South
T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072
F: (254)662-1669

Most Gracious LORD

Most Gracious LORD,

I just want to praise your holy name, thank you for the many blessings you give me each and every day. Forgive me when I take these blessing for granted Lord. Help me to see the good in everything and everyone that I come in contact with. Help me to show your love to those around me. Make me a more gracious and caring person LORD. I thank you for my family, my church family and ask a special blessing on our Pastor and his family. Be with each of the families represented in the new member’s class, help them to seek your will in where you want them to serve. I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus.



Debbie White


Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group

Management, dba K&S Properties

P.O. Box 20263, 1400 Speight Ave.

       Waco, TX  76702

Phone 254/757-0663  Fax 254/757-0668




Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Lord, Thank you for carrying me through the day. Thank for being faithful when I am not faithful. Forgive me for trusting my own strength and not yours.  Thank you for the families you are sending to our church. Thank you for this past Tuesday and Dave's teaching on forgiveness. Thank you for his faithfulness to your Word.  Thank you for the leadership you have blessed your WFBC with.  Keep us as we are apart from one another.
I ask these things for Jesus's sake.