Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer 8/12/11

Heavenly Father,

You are our most gracious, and only Heavenly Father.  Thank you for all of the blessings you have given us.  We thank you for all of the big blessings that we acknowlegde frequently, and Father, we thank you for all of the small ones that we often take for granted.  Thank you for ALL of your gifts, these gifts that don't belong to us, but to You, for all is Yours.  Of all the gifts You have given us, we thank You most for the gift of Your Son.  Please reveal to us the sin in our lives through Your Holy Spirit that we may flee from it, and return to You.  We need You in our lives everday, we need to seek You everyday.  Mighty God, please work in all of our hearts at Waco Family.  We are nothing without You, and we can do nothing without You.  Give us hearts of flesh, hearts of clay, so that You may mold our hearts into the likeness of Your Son's.  Father, please convict us to get into Your Word everyday, and give us the courage and wisdom to speak Your truth.  Father God, we need Your Divine blessing to interpret Your word, so show us Your Truth and guard our hearts and minds from the lies and deceit that this world has.  Please, work in the hearts of the families in WFBC, and work in the leaders' hearts of those families that they may continue to develop the skills necessary to lead their families wisely in all spheres of their lives - especially spiritually.  We need you to give them the courage and wisdom to approach those members and to set standards.  Please, show them, for none of us can do it effectually on our own.  We thank You for families, and friends.  Father, the church can not reach it's potential until every member does their part, so please help those leaders encourage each member to use the gifts that You have provided for Your Glory.  Gracious Father, thank You for the time You have povided us to meet together, and thank You for working in our lives.  We can not possibly thank You enough for Your wonderful works, and mercies, and justice, and truth.  We thank You for all You have provided us.  We thank You, and we love You.  Help us to love You more everyday.  And we pray this all in Your Son's most holy, and precious name.  


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear LORD,

I love the way you work in believers lives to draw us back to you. How you weave the hearts of those that love you to come back to you on bended knees and humbled hearts. Thank you God for Jill and for Tess. I see you in them so clearly! Bless all that we try to accomplish for your names sake, and if it is not what you would have us do, close those doors. In our families LORD, heal, deliver, and set free those in bondage and headed for eternal separation from you. Let us get serious about sharing your word, and help us to be deliberate about it. As we take in each breath you give us, let us breath out your praises. My cup overflows this morning realizing how good you have been to me. Thank you for loving me, even when I'm unlovable. A special prayer for my son Jeffrey. I don't know what to do. Do I let him go or do I hold on tight? All I do know to do is pray. So I come to you, my King for strength and guidance, humbled and surrendered to you. Incline your ear to me, and answer. I await your instruction!!

My Savior and My God

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Women of WFBC

Thank you that you are a God who does not leave. You are a God who never changes. You are a God whose mercies are never ending. You are a God how is steadfast in His love for His children. You are a God who saves. You are a God who unites. You are God. We live because you have given us life. We love because you first loved us. We see because you gave us sight.
Father, I pray for the women of Waco Family. Cleanse our hearts Lord. We stand clothed in Christ's righteousness. We approach your throne with boldness and thanksgiving because of His blood alone. But we know, Father, that our feet are dirty, our hearts are calloused, and we wonder away from your presence. Cleanse our feet, Lord. Soften our hears, I beg of you. Pour cement in our feet so we do not leave you! 
I ask for a revival in my heart and a revival among the women of WF.  I ask for a renewed love and strength for you and in you. I ask this so we can more readily be your hands and feet in WF and among our families. May we be like minded and focused on you.
Father, for your glory and for our good I ask these things.
To further Your kingdom, I ask these things.
In Your Son's name, alone I pray.