Thursday, September 30, 2010

Merciful God

I just needed to tell you that I love you. You provided me with my daily bread, and your mercy has carried me thru this day. My God, my savior, my King, whose blood has set me free, I thank you Lord.  I worship you, and I praise you.  Jehovah Jireh (my provider) have your way with me.  Thank you for what you are doing for Jay’tun.  For a church family that has reached out to him and just loved on him. And it’s because of you, their love for you! I am completely in love with you.



Thank you , Lord







Equipment Depot Texas

P.O. Box 20187

Waco, Tx. 76702-0187

4100 Interstate 35South

T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072

F: (254)662-1669

