Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dear Lord

I come to you this morning thanking you for who you are. Thanking you for this day, I will rejoice and be glad in the day that you have made.  Thanking you Lord for your faithfulness to your servant.  Even when I fail you, you remain faithful to me.  Give me the strength and the courage and the wisdom to be what you need me to be. I have taken on the day to day raising of Jay’tun and I don’t want to fail him, so give me Godly wisdom and Godly people to help me. Watch over Robert as he does his time, I pray that no hurt, harm, or danger touches him there, but save him right where he is, for your glory Lord. I pray for Virginia Collier who’s been diagnosed with bone cancer.  Your will be done there.  I pray especially for my church family Lord, that we keep our eyes focused on you, and only you.  Merciful God be glorified thru me.  Thank you for Nick and AnnaGrace watching over Jay’tun this week.


In Jesus Name








Equipment Depot Texas

P.O. Box 20187

Waco, Tx. 76702-0187

4100 Interstate 35South

T: (254)662-9022 ext.1072

F: (254)662-1669

