Thursday, October 29, 2009
Good morning Lord

I come this morning to bring you praise and to worship you! You have blessed me beyond measure! Father we live in a country that has turned its back on your truth. It has turned its back on you, but I will not turn back!! Whatever they may say, whatever they may do I will hold to you, because I know whom I have Believed. I Love you Lord. I will not be consumed by the things of this world. I will keep my eyes on you. Come quickly Lord Jesus. Let me be found faithful, let me be found doing your will when you come. Bless our little church family, be with my Pastor and his family and grant them a double portion of blessings. Thank you for our men, willing to lead your church. Thank you Jesus for making a way for me to come before a Holy God, clothed in your righteousness alone.
In Jesus Name
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