Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dear Lord

I just want to praise your Holy Name! Thank you for the many blessings you give us each and everyday, especially those that we as humans take for granted. Thank you for the wonderful church family you have provided for me and my family. Thank you for my sisters at WFBC who love and lift me up, they are an encouragement to me. Lord God I continue to ask for your patience and protection while Greg is struggling to get a job. I know that you have something out there for him, just help us to allow you to open the proper door for him. Be with Bryan as he struggles at his work, help him to seek you for the peace and understanding that it will take for him to continue working at this place and if you are closing this door and opening another for him please help him to seek your will before he makes any changes. Lord I ask that you be with Kayla (Hunter’s mother) she is struggling and I don’t believe she knows you Lord. I ask that you help me to be a witness to her, not to stuff Christianity down her throat but just to be an example and a witness to her. I thank you Lord for the new visitors that you are bringing to WFBC. If this is the place for them to be Lord just open their hearts and minds to be a willing member of our body and if you have another place for them please allow us the body of WFBC to not be discouraged. I have witnessed your hand in our church and in our lives, thank you Lord. Be with all the members and their families of WFBC and help them to join in the services on Sunday to be strengthened in your will and your way. I ask these the in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


Debbie White


Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group

Management, dba K&S Properties

P.O. Box 20263, 1400 Speight Ave.

       Waco, TX  76702

Phone 254/757-0663  Fax 254/757-0668



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