Thursday, July 8, 2010


I just want to take this opportunity to praise you and thank you for the many blessings you have given me. Lord help me to keep my focus on you and not of this world. Lord I ask your forgiveness for my attitude and thoughts that are certainly not what you expect of me. Help me to seek your will and your way in all that I do. I ask that you surround my work place with your mercy and grace and guide me to be the example you would have me to be. I also ask that you help me manage the finance you provide to the best for my family. I ask for you to draw my husband and sons to you Lord, give me the courage to speak your name to them and anyone else you would put in my path. Lord I thank you for the wonderful things you are doing in the lives of WFBC and praise your holy name. I ask that you be with our pastor and his family as he strives to lead us ever closer to you. I pray these things in the precious and holy name of Jesus.  Amen.


Debbie White


Sherry Inc. dba Triliji Group

Management, dba K&S Properties

P.O. Box 20263, 1400 Speight Ave.

       Waco, TX  76702

Phone 254/757-0663  Fax 254/757-0668




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