Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pray for Lindsay

Dear Lord,
I pray that you give Lindsay a peace about her circumstances in College Station with financial aid. May she, first of all, find peace with You, for You are our strength and our salvation. If she is not saved, Lord God, please save her. Lord, I have a burden for the our country and the direction that this administration is taking it. No elected president in the United States is a surprise to You. There is a purpose in Your will for everything that happens. I pray that You will give our president wisdom and discernment, as these qualities seem to be lacking. God, You have the plan for mankind. Your word shows us clearly what we can expect in the future. My one plea is: come Lord, come. I pray also for Waco Family Baptist. I want to praise You for the growth we have experienced and what that signifies - Your blessing. We love you dear Lord and pray this in Jesus precious name. Amen.

Toni Borras

Attitude is everything...really! ~ author unknown

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