Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Women of WFBC

Thank you that you are a God who does not leave. You are a God who never changes. You are a God whose mercies are never ending. You are a God how is steadfast in His love for His children. You are a God who saves. You are a God who unites. You are God. We live because you have given us life. We love because you first loved us. We see because you gave us sight.
Father, I pray for the women of Waco Family. Cleanse our hearts Lord. We stand clothed in Christ's righteousness. We approach your throne with boldness and thanksgiving because of His blood alone. But we know, Father, that our feet are dirty, our hearts are calloused, and we wonder away from your presence. Cleanse our feet, Lord. Soften our hears, I beg of you. Pour cement in our feet so we do not leave you! 
I ask for a revival in my heart and a revival among the women of WF.  I ask for a renewed love and strength for you and in you. I ask this so we can more readily be your hands and feet in WF and among our families. May we be like minded and focused on you.
Father, for your glory and for our good I ask these things.
To further Your kingdom, I ask these things.
In Your Son's name, alone I pray.


  1. *wander (not wonder)

  2. Heavenly Father, I stand in agreement with Tess and thank you for your mercy and never ending loving kindness. May we be obedient to you, a pleasing fragrance to You. I pray you use the WF women in a mighty way! Give us strength to be faithful in all that You call us to do!


